OI Ljubljana

Arhiv srečanj

The 8th intensive workshop for European junior clinical oncologists “Methods in Clinical Cancer Research“

Informacije: Federation of European Cancer Societies (FECS), Avenue E. Mounier, 83, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium; tel: +32 2 775 02 06; fax: +32 2 775 02 45; e-mail: workshop@fecs.be; http://www.fecs.be [več]

The ESTRO teaching course “Imaging for Target Volume Determination in Radiotherapy”

Informacije: ESTRO office, Avenue E. Mounierlaan, 83/12, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium; tel: +32 2 775 93 40; fax: +32 2 779 54 94; e-mail: info@estro.be; http://www.estro.be [več]

The 42nd ASCO Meeting

Informacije: e-mail: enews@asco.org; http://www/asco.org [več]

The UK radiological congress

Informacije: UKRC 2006 Organisers, PO Box 2895, London W1A 5RS, UK; tel: + 44(0) 207 307 1410/20; fax: +44(0) 207 307 1414; e-mail: conference@ukrc.org.uk / exhibition@ukrc.org.uk; http:// www.ukrc.org.uk [več]

The ESTRO teaching course “Dose Determination in Radiotherapy: Beam Characterisation, Dose Calculation and Dose Verification”

Informacije: ESTRO office, Avenue E. Mounierlaan, 83/12, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium; tel: +32 2 775 93 40; fax: +32 2 779 54 94; e-mail: info@estro.be; http://www.estro.be [več]


  • 2017
  • 2006
  • 2005
  • 2004



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