OI Ljubljana

Water and soil contamination and awareness on breast cancer risk in young women

Principal investigator at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana: Tina Žagar PhD

The action focuses on the geographical analysis of population based cancer incidence data in connection with environmental factors, using breast cancer and water/soil contamination as an exemplification replicable to other cancer sites. One selected area is chosen for a pilot of the model used, and prevention courses to increase breast cancer risk awareness among the young female population in the identified areas are carried out. The following activities are envisaged: A) A group of European cancer registries (CRs) is organized to focus on spatial analysis methodologies to map cancer incidence risks to identify CR sub-areas with higher-than-regional average cancer incidence. The methods for performing the above mentioned studies in the different CRs are discussed independently from cancer site, and breast cancer is used to exemplify the methods discussed; B) As part of the spatial analysis materials, a group of experts is to focus on the estimation of socio-economic deprivation indicators across the European CRs: when the sub-areas at major risk are to be identified, Deprivation Indexes are going to be considered potential confounders; C) As part of the environmental pilot study materials, a literature review on water/soil environmental risk factors for breast cancer is performed; D) By connecting CRs with Environmental Protection agencies in the areas with increased cancer risk, we will assess the data availability necessary for performing the environmental study. Data from National and International Environmental Protection Agencies (e.g. Waterbase) are taken into consideration. The scope is limited to soil and water contamination; E) the action’s environmental pilot study is performed in at least one CR, with the aim of studying correlation between soil and water contamination and breast cancer risk; F) online courses aimed at increasing breast cancer risk awareness for girls and adolescents are designed and promoted.



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