OI Ljubljana

Implementation of the clinical pathway for dietary treatment of hospitalized patients, screening tools for dietary treatment of outpatients and guidelines for the physical activity of patients

Principal investigator at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana: assoc. prof. Nada Rotovnik Kozjek, MD, PhD

The research project runs in the period 2017-2019 and consists of:

1. Testing a screening tool for nutrition risk in out-patient clinic in hospitals - SGA, NRS 2002

There are a number of nutritional risk screening tools in expert recommendations, and some tools have not proved to have same effectivity in different patient populations. Therefore, comparative analyzes of different tools for screening nutritional risks are needed to determine which tool is effective for detecting nutritional risk in specific groups of patients. Fort his purpose, the implementation of an appropriate screening tool requires firstly determining its sensitivity and effectiveness in identifying nutrition risk in specific patient groups and then implementing it in clinical practice.

2. Recommendations for physical activity for oncological patients.

The purpose of the program is to prepare the physical activity recommendations for oncological patients based on the results of the research carried out at the OI Ljubljana. Planned implementation of 2019.

3. Clinical testing of the clinical pathway of the nutritional treatment of hospitalized patients at the OI.

Preparation of action modules according to the theoretical basis for the introduction of the clinical pathway of nutritional treatment in clinical practice.

The ultimate goal of the project

The clinical pathway model will be developed for further use in other medical institutions in the Republic of Slovenia through the testing phase at Oi Ljubljana.

The proposed programs follow the Strategic Objectives of the Resolution on Nutrition and Physical Activity in Slovenia and its Action Plan for the period 2016-2019, both in the field of nutritional support of patients and the physical activity of patients.

The project is financed by the Ministry of the Republic of Slovenia in the framework of the Action Plan for Food and Physical Activity 2017-2019.




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